Using the Microscope for Filament ID and Troubleshooting

2024 - there will be 1 - 2  2-day workshops held this fall - Dates are being finalized

Steve Leach and Rick Marshall will provide 2-days of hands-on training using phase contrast microscopes to assess activated sludge samples. Samples containing the commonly found filamentous bacteria will be analyzed during the workshop.Students will learn and apply the proper techniques in assessing floc characteristics, identifying protozoa/metazoa, gram, neisser and india ink staining and identifying filamentous bacteria. Students will utilize bench sheets to summarize results of their examinations. Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples to be analyzed.

Hands-on training will help you identify problems and troubleshoot your system. The lecture sections of the course will cover the microbiology of activated sludge ; microbiological problems that occur; and practical control measures in troubleshooting and controlling filaments, zoogloea, EPS and other microbiological problems..

Each participant will get to use their own phase-contrast microscope without sharing (no you can't take this home afterwards).

Course Outline:

· Proper Use of a Phase Contrast Microscope
· Evaluating a sample - low power - flocs, filament abundance, protozoa/metazoa, EPS - india ink
· Filament Identification - 1000x - filament characteristics, gram and neisser stains
· Evaluating Samples
· Troubleshooting Activated Sludge:

Participants will receive The Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming and Other Solids Separation Problems

Enrollment for the course will be limited based on available microscopes (minimum guaranteed - 12)

Registration Fee:
$1000 USD

Workshop Descriptions

Workshop Registration

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