Troubleshooting/Optimizing Activated Sludge Operations

November 19 and 21 - 7 hours Total, 0.7 CEUs

Note: All sessions will be recorded as on-demand recordings. Registrants will be provided access based on request.

This goal for this workshop is for attendees to evaluate their treatment system and develop a list of opportunities to improve and optimize their plant operation. This course is for experienced operators and managers of activated sludge plants. A microscopic floc assessment including filament identification should be conducted prior to the workshop so we know the present sludge quaility conditions that can be applied in the workshop. Topics specific to successful activated sludge operations will be covered. At the conclusion of the workshop attendees will leave the workshop with a comprehensive plan to implement at their facility to improve/optimize plant performance.

Workshop topics include:

Troubleshooting Activated Sludge

° Poor floc formation
° Foaming
° Rising sludge
° Toxicity
° Rapid settling, turbid effluent
° Filamentous and slime bulking
° Low D.O. bulking
° Low F/M bulking (prduction shutdown, low production)
° Nutrient-deficient bulking
° Septicity (organic acids/sulfide) bulking

Use of Selectors and Step Feed

° Types of selectors
° Evaluating selectors vs step feed vs other modes

Operating Secondary Clarifiers

State-point analysis


° Floc formation
° Filament abundance
° Identifying filaments- characteristics, staining
° Protozoa/Metazoa
° Other organisms - zoogloea, tetrads, hyphomicrobium, PAOs, spirillum,

Fine-tuning Your Process Control Management Plan

° Developing operating plans
° Develop troubleshooting charts

Instructor: Rick Marshall is a registered professional engineer and Grade VII (MA) certified operator with over 44 years of experience providing servics to hundreds of municipal, pulp & paper, food and beverage, chemical and refinery treatment systems. These services include:process training, process troubleshooting, treatment system optimization, treatment plant audits, plant design reviews foroperability, and O&M documentation (O&M manuals, SOPs)


Registration Fee: $250 USD, for webinar series. Group discount of 20% for 2 or more from same plant

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